Anthony and I have been together for almost 9 years. We were engaged on Cinco De Mayo 2003. We moved in together in July 2003 with his youngest daughter Emily. His oldest daughter Amanda would come visit on the weekends and summer vacation. Life was good, and on April 15, 2004 we discovered that Amanda and Emily would be getting a sibling.We were going to get married before the baby was born, but I wanted to save for a nice wedding and also look beautiful in a wedding dress, so we decided to wait. Our son, Ashton, was born on December 9, 2004. He was perfect! A little over a year after Aston's arrival, I learned I was expecting again. Eris was born on September 19, 2006. Life was great with all our children, then in July 2008, life got even better when we found out that there would be yet another addition to our family. Violet was born on Februrary 25, 2009. Now that we're done having children, we decided that it was a perfect time to finally get married. We decided to go to Puerto Vallarta to get married because it would be very romantic and a fun and memorable family vacation with all our children. We are so excited to finally be getting married and spending the rest of our lives together and raising our wonderful children.

We will be getting married on October 1, 2010 at 4:00 pm. Our wedding will be held at the Dreams Resort and Spa in Puerto Vallarta under a gazebo over looking the ocean.

Thank you very much for taking the time to check out our wedding webpage and sharing a little bit of our special day with us. We hope you enjoyed it!